Wireless (MIU LTE / NB-IoT)

Wired/Wireless Water Management for BMS

Wireless (MIU LTE / NB-IoT)

ZHTI offers wireless solutions to cater to applications requiring large sensing area. The advantage of this system lies in the fact that it uses licensed cellular spectrum, thereby guaranteeing quality of service at a lower barrier of entry.

3G/4G/NB-IoT SIM card inserted into our new Meter Interface Unit (MIU) facilitated by any of the telecom provider. This data transmission going through either client’s cloud or ZHTI cloud or any of the commercial cloud provider to upload data back into the clients’ database/BMS.

We cover 6 years of transmission charges (complimentary) and pricing is dependent on the service provider based on prevailing rates subsequently.

Optional: Data transmission without any cloud servers and recurring costs can be done (via Bluetooth ONLY).

Key Features

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